

この記事を読んで学べること: 今回の表現: “Armor is divided into three categories: helms, body armor, and accessories. You c…


この記事を読んで学べること: 今回の表現: “The contents of the chests in this house were placed by him for adventurers to us…

冒険者への愛着 – 「Our mayor has a soft spot for adventurers. He has established this manor as a library of adventuring know-how.」の表現を学ぶ

この記事を読んで学べること: 今回の表現: “Our mayor has a soft spot for adventurers. He has established this manor as a lib…

封じられた扉 – 「A mysterious force seals it shut.」の表現を学ぶ

この記事を読んで学べること: 今回の表現: “A mysterious force seals it shut.” 日本語訳: 「神秘的な力がそれを封じます。」 文法解析: この表現は、̵…

価値と欲望 – 「Dear me, I haven’t the money to buy a thing like that! Keep it safe. That is a valuable trinket you carry.」の表現を学ぶ

この記事を読んで学べること: 今回の表現: “Dear me, I haven’t the money to buy a thing like that! Keep it safe. That i…

職人の誇り – 「Might I interest you in one of my fine blades?」という表現を学ぶ

今回の記事では、商談の際に職人が自らの製品を紹介するために使う表現「Might I interest you in one of my fine blades?」に注目します。この一文がどのようにして顧客の関心を引くか、…

会話における選択 – 英語での「Sure」と「Sorry」の使い分け

記事の抜粋: 本日は、英語における簡潔な返答「Sure」と「Sorry」の使用例に焦点を当てます。特に、日常会話やゲーム内での選択肢としてしばしば見かけるこれらの言葉は、英語学習者にとって重要な表現です。 記事のメタディ…

Oh, thank goodness! My pendant! I know it doesn’t look like much, but it has a lot of sentimental value.

Girl: Oh, thank goodness! My pendant! I know it doesn’t look like much, but it has a lot of sentimental …

That girl Lucca was over in the square going on about how she’d made the discovery of a lifetime.

テキスト: “That girl Lucca was over in the square going on about how she’d made the discovery of a lif…

I hear Lucca and her father have put together another crazy invention.

テキスト: “I hear Lucca and her father have put together another crazy invention.” 日本語訳: 「ルッカと彼女の父親が、ま…