
Oh hoh hoh… There’s nothing like a good fair! Say, have you heard the gossip?

テキスト: “Oh hoh hoh… There’s nothing like a good fair! Say, have you heard the gossip?” …

You must live in this town. I came to see the fair. Awfully boring wandering around alone, though, isn’t it?

テキスト: “You must live in this town. I came to see the fair. Awfully boring wandering around alone, though…

Those runners are busy racing, so they won’t answer if you talk to them.

I was worn out from running around. But watching this dance gave me energy again!

Go straight ahead if you want to try your hand against Lucca’s bipedal robot battler, Gato. You can win Silver Points if you beat him!

“Go straight ahead if you want to try your hand against Lucca’s bipedal robot battler, Gato. You c…


この記事を読んで学べること: 今回の表現: “Ironic, is it not? We starve right atop our own stores of food.” 日本語訳: 「皮肉な…

I was worn out from running around. But watching this dance gave me energy again!

英語テキスト: “I was worn out from running around. But watching this dance gave me energy again!” 英語の表現の…

That girl Lucca was over in the square going on about how she’d made the discovery of a lifetime.

“That girl Lucca was over in the square going on about how she’d made the discovery of a lifetime.…

I hear Lucca and her father have put together another crazy invention.

「I hear Lucca and her father have put together another crazy invention.」は以下のように説明できます。 二つ目のテキスト「I just hope it…

This is Leene Square. Legend has it that people who hear Leene’s Bell live happily ever after.

「This is Leene Square. Legend has it that people who hear Leene’s Bell live happily ever after.」は次のように説明…